New Hampshire VA Disability Attorneys
Veterans who struggle with a service-connected injury, illness, or medical condition may be eligible to receive disability benefits via the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – but many do not know where to start or have had their disability claim denied – and they need help. VA Benefits Attorneys is a nationwide resource for veterans who need help getting the disability benefits that they have earned with years of service, blood, sweat, and tears.
Do you need a New Hampshire VA disability attorney? Contact VA Benefits Attorneys today for a FREE case review!
FAQs About New Hampshire VA Disability Benefits
Are you a New Hampshire veteran with a service-related disability? What questions do you have about your disability benefits? You may not know if your injury, illness, or medical condition qualifies you for disability benefits. You may not know how to apply for benefits or how to appeal a denied disability claim. VA Benefits Attorneys is here to help answer all of your questions about veterans disability benefits.

Who Is Eligible for VA Disability Benefits in New Hampshire?
The first question that most veterans ask when they contact us at VA Benefits Attorneys is – am I eligible for disability benefits? We may be able to help answer that question with a quick breakdown of the criteria veterans must meet to be eligible for VA disability benefits.
To be eligible for disability compensation, New Hampshire veterans must meet TWO initial criteria. They must have a current injury, illness, or medical condition that affects the mind or body AND they must have served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty for training in the U.S. Military.
In addition to the basic initial criteria, veterans must have a service-connected injury, illness, or medical condition that falls into one of the three categories listed below:
- In-Service Disability Claim – The veteran became sick or injured while in the military and can link their condition to their military service.
- Pre-Service Disability Claim – The veteran had an injury or medical condition prior to military service that was worsened by their time in the military.
- Post-Service Disability Claim – The veteran was diagnosed with an injury, illness, or medical condition after their military service that can be linked to their time in the military.
Are There Additional VA Benefits for Veterans?
Most veterans who have served in the U.S. Military have a basic understanding of VA disability benefits – but not all veterans understand the wealth of benefits available to veterans via the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs – and fewer take advantage of those benefits. Veterans who want to purchase a home can apply for a VA Home Loan with affordable rates – a benefit used by just 6% of veterans. Veterans who want to continue their education may be eligible for tuition assistance via the G.I. Bill. Veterans in need of healthcare can get the help they need at VA medical facilities and available veteran insurance options will help keep medical costs low.
Contact your local Department of Veterans Affairs office for more information!

What Injuries Qualify for VA Disability Benefits?
The members of the U.S. Military have served in armed conflicts, police actions, and diplomatic missions across the globe – from the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan to the Korean War and Vietnam War. Veterans who have served in these theaters and countless more may bear injuries, illnesses, and medical conditions that are both seen and unseen – and many veterans want to know if their injuries qualify for disability.
We are here to help answer your questions with this short list of common service-related injuries, illnesses, and medical conditions that may make veterans eligible for disability.
- TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury
- PTSD – Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Depression and Anxiety
- Chronic Back, Neck, and Knee Pain
- Tinnitus and Hearing Loss
- Chronic Migraines
- Select Types of Cancer
- Select Types of Lung Disease
How Do You Apply for VA Disability Benefits in New Hampshire?
Do you meet the criteria listed above? Do you have a service-connected injury, illness, or medical condition? You may be eligible for disability benefits – but you may not know how to apply. We can help at VA Benefits Attorneys. New Hampshire veterans can apply for disability online at www.va.gov/disability by completing the online application form and submitting the proper medical documents. Veterans who prefer to apply in person can download and print the online form and turn the application in at the VA Regional Office in Manchester with the correct medical documents.

How Do You Appeal a Denied VA Disability Claim?
Have you already applied for disability benefits and been denied? Do not be discouraged. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs denies an estimated 30% of disability claims each year for many reasons that include an incomplete application or insufficient medical documents. Veterans who have had their application for VA disability benefits denied can enlist VA Benefits Attorneys to help you appeal the decision. There are three primary methods of appeal – file a Supplemental Claim, submit a Higher-Level Review, or request a Board Appeal.
Contact VA Benefits Attorneys today to learn more about how we can help you appeal your denied disability claim in New Hampshire!
What Are the New Hampshire State Veterans Benefits?
Live Free or Die is the state motto for New Hampshire – an expression with very real meaning to veterans who have worn the uniform. With a history rooted in freedom, it stands to reason that New Hampshire would hold its veterans in high regard. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides an excellent framework of support for veterans – but those benefits are not the only veterans available to veterans who call New Hampshire home.
New Hampshire provides its sons and daughters who have served with additional support and the New Hampshire Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services leads the charge. The benefits available to veterans who are residents of New Hampshire include tax exemptions, financial assistance, opportunities for continued education, veterans homes, and much more.
Contact the New Hampshire Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services for more information on state veterans benefits!
- New Hampshire Veterans Home – Tilton
- Global War on Terrorism Bonus
- Property Tax Exemption for Veterans
- Indigent Veterans Benefits and Financial Support
- New Hampshire Veteran Employment Preference
- New Hampshire Veterans Peddler’s License Fee Exemption
- New Hampshire National Guard Tuition Assistance
- FREE Tuition for Surviving Children of Veterans
- New Hampshire Veterans Cemetery – Boscawen
Do you need the help of a New Hampshire VA disability attorney? Contact VA Benefits Attorneys and enlist our help today!