Kansas VA Disability Attorneys

Are you a U.S. Military veteran who calls Kansas home? Do you struggle day-in and day-out with an injury, illness, or medical condition that is connected to your military service? You may be eligible for disability benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and you may not even know it, or maybe you do and you have questions.

The process to apply for and receive the disability benefits you have earned can be complicated and blocked by red tape. You may not feel like you have any allies in this fight – but you do. VA Benefits Attorneys is a nationwide resource for disabled veterans and we are here to help. Veterans in need of a Kansas VA disability attorney can get the help they need right here at VA Benefits Attorneys. We can help you apply for benefits, appeal denied benefits, and much more.

Contact VA Benefits Attorneys today for a FREE case review of your VA disability benefits!

FAQs About Kansas VA Disability Benefits

Do you have questions about your VA disability benefits? Kansas is home to more than 190,000 military veterans and an estimated 20% receive service-connected disability benefits and compensation. Veterans who are just now applying for disability benefits or who have seen a change to their benefits may have questions. 

Questions like – how can I change my VA disability rating? Am I eligible for VA disability benefits? Does my cancer make me eligible for disability? We can help answer these questions and many more at VA Benefits Attorneys.

Wisconsin Veterans

Who Is Eligible for VA Disability Benefits in Kansas?

The first question that most veterans ask when they contact us at VA Benefits Attorneys is – am I eligible for VA disability benefits? We may be able to help answer that question with a quick breakdown of the basic criteria a veteran must meet to receive disability compensation.

To be eligible for VA disability benefits, Kansas veterans must meet TWO standard criteria. The veteran must have a service-connected injury, illness, or medical condition that affects the mind or body AND the veteran must have served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty for training.

In addition to the primary criteria, a disabled veteran must meet ONE of the additional requirements listed below.

  • The eligible veteran has a service-connected injury, illness, or medical condition that was suffered and diagnosed while serving – known as an In-Service Disability Claim.
  • The eligible veteran must have had an injury, illness, or medical condition prior to their service that was made worse while serving – known as a Pre-Service Disability Claim.
  • The eligible veteran has a service-connected injury, illness, or medical condition that was diagnosed after the conclusion of their military service – known as a Post-Service Disability Claim.

What Are the Additional VA Benefits for Kansas Veterans?

Disability benefits and compensation are a key element of veteran support provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs – but they are not the only benefits you need to be aware of as a veteran. VA Home Loans provide qualified veterans with an affordable avenue to purchase their dream home. The G.I. Bill provides veterans with access to continued education with tuition assistance. Additional benefits include medical care at Kansas VA facilities, affordable insurance, vocational rehabilitation, and much more. 

Contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for more information on veterans benefits!

Who Qualifies for VA Disability Benefits?
What Injuries, Illnesses and Medical Conditions Qualify for VA Compensation?

Which Injuries, Illnesses, and Medical Conditions Qualify for Disability?

Veterans of the Global War on Terror, Vietnam, Korea, World War II, and countless smaller conflicts and police actions across the globe have seen and felt the horrors of war. The scars that remain for veterans are both seen and unseen. Kansas veterans applying for disability benefits want to know which injuries, illnesses, and medical conditions are eligible for compensation.

Here is a short list of service-connected injuries, illnesses, and medical conditions that may make veterans eligible for VA disability benefits.

  • Chronic Back, Neck, and Knee Pain
  • Various Types of Cancer
  • Various Types of Lung Disease
  • Migraines, Tinnitus, and Hearing Loss
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • PTSD – Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury
  • MORE…

How Do I Apply for VA Disability in Kansas?

We understand that the application process for disability benefits can be daunting to many Kansas veterans – but it does not need to be. Veterans can apply for disability online at www.va.gov/disability and submit the online application with their medical documents. Do you prefer a more in-person interaction? You can download, print, and submit the online application form with your medical documents at the VA Regional Office in Kansas City, KS.

How Do I File for VA Disability in Wisconsin?
What Do I Do When a VA Disability Claim is Denied?

What Do I Do If My VA Disability Claim is Denied?

Did you know that an estimated 30% of veteran disability claims are denied by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs? Veteran disability claims can be denied for a variety of reasons – improper medical documents, incomplete forms, and more – but you can appeal the decision with the help of VA Benefits Attorneys. Kansas veterans have three methods of appeal for a denied disability claim. They can file a Supplemental Claim, request a Higher-Level Review, or apply for a Board Appeal and we can help you every step of the way at VA Benefits Attorneys.

What Are the Kansas State Veterans Benefits?

Did you know that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is not the only entity that will support veterans when they leave the armed forces? The State of Kansas does its part to support veterans who live in the Sunflower State with an impressive list of state veterans benefits.

Veterans benefits available to Kansas residents include state-run veterans homes, veterans cemeteries, property and income tax exemptions, state employment benefits, tuition assistance and scholarship programs, hunting and fishing licenses, state park admission, and much more.

Contact the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs for more information on state veterans benefits!

  • Kansas Veterans Homes – Fort Dodge and Winfield
  • Retirement and SBP Income Tax Exemptions
  • Homestead Act Tax Refunds for Disabled Veterans
  • Kansas State Veterans Employment Preference
  • Tuition Assistance for Veteran Families and Survivors
  • Kansas Military Service Scholarship
  • Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program
  • Kansas Veterans Cemeteries – Fort Dodge, Fort Riley, Wakeeney, and Winfield
  • MORE…

Are you getting the disability benefits you deserve as a veteran of the U.S. Military? Have you had your disability claim denied? You may need the help of a Kansas VA disability attorney and VA Benefits Attorneys is here to help.

Contact VA Benefits Attorneys today for a FREE case review and consultation!