Alabama VA Disability Attorneys
Alabama is home to more than 375,000 veterans – and more than 27% of veterans in the United States have claimed a disability. Do you have a service-related injury, illness or medical condition? Maybe it is not even something serious? You may be eligible for VA disability compensation and we can help you get the benefits you deserve at VA Benefits Attorneys – as your Alabama VA disability attorneys.
Contact VA Benefits Attorneys today for a FREE case review!
FAQs About Alabama VA Disability Benefits
We know that Alabama military veterans are no strangers to red tape and paperwork – which can make the application process for veterans benefits a struggle for some and many have questions. That is what VA Benefits Attorneys is here for.
What questions do you have about VA disability benefits? Do you need to know if you are eligible for compensation? Do you want to know which service-related injuries, illnesses or medical conditions make you eligible? Have you had your disability claim denied by the Department of Veterans Affairs? Do you need help to appeal your denied claim? VA Benefits Attorneys is here to help.
We owe veterans a debt and we want to help you get the benefits that you deserve in Alabama.

Which Alabama Veterans Are Eligible for VA Disability Benefits?
Did you know that 4.9 million veterans receive disability benefits? The first question many veterans ask here at VA Benefits Attorneys is – am I eligible for disability? We can help answer that question with a quick summary of the requirements that need to be met to be eligible for VA disability compensation.
Veterans who are eligible for disability via the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs must first meet TWO basic criteria. Eligible veterans must have a service-related injury, illness or condition that impacts the mind or body AND must have served on active duty, active duty for training or inactive duty for training.
Veterans who are eligible must fit ONE of the additional criteria in the list below.
- The eligible veteran became sick or injured while in the military and can link their current condition to that injury or illness – called an In-Service Disability Claim.
- The eligible veteran was sick or injured before joining the military and the condition was made worse by military service – called a Pre-Service Disability Claim.
- The eligible veteran has a service-related disability that did not appear until after their military service – called a Post-Service Disability Claim.
Are Alabama Veterans Eligible for Additional VA Benefits?
Do you hope to purchase a home and start a family after your military service? Do you want to further your education at a college or trade school? Do you need affordable insurance and medical care? The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides more benefits than disability compensation. The VA Home Loan Program and the Montgomery G.I. Bill are available to veterans to help them improve their lives after military service. Insurance and medical care are available via the Department of Veterans Affairs to help you care for yourself and family.
Contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for more information!

Which Injuries, Illnesses and Conditions Qualify for VA Disability?
Do you struggle with PTSD after your military service? Do you suffer chronic back and neck pain related to your service? Many veterans who contact us at VA Benefits Attorneys ask – which injuries, illnesses and medical conditions qualify for VA disability? We are here to help answer your question.
Here is a list of a few common service-related injuries, illnesses and medical conditions that veterans can claim to receive monthly VA disability compensation.
- Chronic Back, Neck and Knee Pain
- Paralysis of the Sciatic Nerve
- Limited Mobility
- Tinnitus and Hearing Loss
- Migraines
- Depression and Anxiety
- Traumatic Brain Injury – TBI
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD
- Cancer(s)
- Lung Disease(s)
How Can Alabama Veterans Apply for VA Disability?
Are you eligible for VA disability benefits and compensation? Do you meet all of the criteria listed above? You may not know where to start and we can help at VA Benefits Attorneys. Veterans can apply for disability online, complete the online application at www.va.gov/disability and provide the necessary medical documents. Alabama veterans who prefer a more personal interaction can download and print the online application and return the completed form with medical documents to the VA Regional Office in Montgomery.

How Do Alabama Veterans Appeal a Denied VA Disability Claim?
Did you know that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs can and will deny veteran disability claims? Disability claims can be denied for reasons that include incomplete paperwork and lack of medical documentation. When your claim is denied, it can be a disappointing blow – but you are not out of the fight. Veterans who enlist VA Benefits Attorneys to appeal a denied claim have four primary options – file a Supplemental Claim, file a Notice of Disagreement, request a Higher Level Review or take your case to a Veterans Law Judge.
Let VA Benefits Attorneys help you receive the benefits that you deserve!
What Are the Alabama State Veterans Benefits?
Sweet Home Alabama is home to more than 375,000 military veterans and while the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has set a strong foundation for veteran care, the benefits do not end there. The State of Alabama cares about its veterans and provides its own list of state veteran benefits for those who have served and are residents of the state.
Alabama state veterans benefits include tax exemptions, educational benefits, scholarship programs, state employment benefits and much more. Contact a local veteran representative for more information!
- Alabama State Veterans Homes – Alexander City, Huntsville, Bay Minette and Pell City
- Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans
- Property Tax Exemption for VA Adapted Houses
- Income Tax Exemptions for Military Pay
- State Employment Examination Benefits
- Tuition Waivers for Purple Heart Recipients
- Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship Program
- Alabama National Guard Education Assistance Program
- Discounted Hunting and Fishing Licenses
- Alabama State Veterans Cemetery – Spanish Fort
Do you need the help of an Alabama VA disability attorney? You have come to the right place. VA Benefits Attorneys is ready to fight for your disability benefits.
Contact VA Benefits Attorneys for a FREE consultation today!