VA Benefits Attorneys
Have you been denied VA benefits?
Are you applying for VA benefits for the first time?
Don’t give up! Having an attorney on your side significantly increases the chances of your claim being approved.
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A VA Benefits Attorney
For My Case
Taking care of the individuals who bravely served this country is our top priority. Veterans from many different military branches are entitled to federal veterans benefits through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Often, veterans don’t realize they are eligible for benefits or tried in the past and were denied. With rules that have changed in recent years, many veterans who were previously denied benefits or were never eligible can now receive life-changing backpay for hardships suffered during their time in service.
Help For VA Cases

TDIU, or Total Disability Individual Unemployability is a program that veterans may qualify for if a disability that they acquired through time in the military makes it impossible for them to work.
A TDIU rating does not necessarily mean that the veteran has received a 100% disability rating. The fact is, veterans can qualify for TDIU any time a service-connected disability prevents them from obtaining employment.
Many veterans deal with post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, a common issue. It is caused by exposure to a traumatic event and can make daily life extremely difficult.
The severity of a PTSD rating can vary greatly depending on the veteran. Often, veterans have more severe cases than are initially diagnosed, making them eligible for additional benefits.

Agent Orange
Agent Orange exposure is a common, yet highly misunderstood circumstance for many veterans. The military used this chemical to eliminate cover from the treetops, which exposed thousands of veterans.
To be eligible for benefits, the veteran needs to develop a condition associated with agent orange exposure. An attorney can help a veteran understand if a connection exists.
Knee or Joint Problems
Knee and joint issues can result from a variety of different service-related tasks. Range of motion issues can be part of what hinders a veteran from being able to do a regular job or even participate in daily life in the same way as they could in the past.
A variety of knee or joint issues can be present in veterans, and many of these qualify a veteran for disability benefits from the VA. An attorney can help isolate the issue and assist with the process of getting approved for benefits.

Back, Neck and Spinal Injuries
Back, neck, or spinal injuries are a common service-connected disability that veterans find themselves getting approved for. In addition, degenerative diseases of the spine, for example spinal arthritis, can be found to be service-connected as well.
Proving a service connection for a back, neck or spinal injury is something that an attorney can help with, from finding the right doctor to fully explaining your case.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI, is a common issue for veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. TBI signs and symptoms can include attention issues, headaches, vision impairment, dizziness, nausea, and more. TBI can result from close or open head injuries in combat, often from shrapnel or another severe impact.
Veterans suffering from TBI can qualify for benefits after being evaluated, including a mental and emotional evaluation. A veteran benefits attorney can help find the right doctor for the condition.

Burn Pit Exposure
Military burn pits were common in Iraq and Afghanistan and used to burn off chemicals in war zones. Paint, chemicals, metal, aluminum, rubber, and plastic were among the waste. The fumes given off from these large pits were breathed in by veterans.
Veterans exposed to burn pits during specific combat may qualify for benefits through the VA if a connection is proven. An attorney can help prove this connection.
Gulf War Syndrome
Veterans of the Gulf War dealt with many environmental hazards during their time in the country. These hazards often cause health issues later in life. The risks include over 750 Kuwait oil well fires and many others.
A VA benefits attorney will be familiar with what ailments may be related to time in country during the Gulf War conflicts.

Camp Lejeune Veterans
Contaminated waters from leaking storage tanks at Camp Lejeune have caused many issues for a large number of veterans. Due to the faulty tanks, groundwater at Camp Lejeune was contaminated from 1953 to 1987.
New disorders have recently been linked to the contamination at Camp Lejeune, with a presumption of service connection for many associated veterans. If you or a family member was stationed at Camp Lejeune during these dates, a veteran’s benefits attorney can help you today.
Military Sexual Trauma
Any sexual act that occurred without consent or where the individual felt violated or threatened that took place during their time in service could result in a military sexual trauma case.
Talking to an experienced VA attorney about sexual trauma is completely confidential. Having someone on their side that understands the situation can help a suffering veteran obtain benefits.

Mental Health
PTSD and TBI are not the only mental health-related situations that could qualify a veteran for benefits. Many veterans suffer from major depressive disorders, causing difficulty sleeping, fatigue, irritability, and an overall feeling of hopelessness or loss. Anxiety is another very common service-related affliction.
Veterans may be eligible for benefits from the VA if they have mental health issues outside of PTSD and TBI that are service-related and negatively affecting their lives.