How Much Does the VA Pay for Agent Orange Exposure?
The use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War had devastating consequences for both American veterans and the Vietnamese population. Agent Orange is a herbicide that contains a toxic chemical called dioxin, and its exposure has been linked to various health issues.
To address the health problems faced by veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides compensation and benefits. In this article, we will explore how much the VA pays for Agent Orange exposure and the eligibility criteria for receiving these benefits.
The History of Agent Orange Exposure
Agent Orange, a herbicide used during the Vietnam War to destroy dense foliage, was contaminated with a toxic chemical called dioxin. While it achieved its intended purpose, it left a trail of destruction in its wake. Exposure to Agent Orange has been associated with a range of serious health conditions, including various cancers, diabetes, and nerve disorders. The long-lasting effects of this exposure continue to impact veterans and their families to this day.

Understanding VA Compensation for Agent Orange Exposure
The VA offers compensation to veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and developed certain diseases or conditions as a result. This compensation is designed to provide financial support to veterans who have suffered from the adverse health effects of Agent Orange exposure. The amount of compensation a veteran receives depends on several factors, including the specific condition, the severity of the condition, and the veteran’s overall disability rating.
Eligibility for Agent Orange Compensation
To be eligible for compensation related to Agent Orange exposure, veterans must meet certain criteria. These criteria include:
- Service in Vietnam or in certain other locations: Veterans who served in Vietnam between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange. Additionally, veterans who served in the Korean Demilitarized Zone from April 1, 1968, to August 31, 1971, are also eligible.
- Certain illnesses: Veterans must have one of the specific illnesses or conditions associated with Agent Orange exposure. These conditions include various types of cancer, diabetes mellitus type 2, and certain chronic B-cell leukemia, among others.
- Exposure to herbicides: Veterans must have evidence of exposure to herbicides during their service. This exposure can be confirmed through various means, including military records, statements from fellow service members, or other supporting documentation.
- A current disability rating: Veterans must have a current disability rating from the VA for their qualifying condition. The disability rating is based on the severity of the condition and can range from 0% to 100%.
How Much Does the VA Pay for Agent Orange Exposure?
The amount of compensation a veteran can receive for Agent Orange exposure depends on their disability rating and the specific condition for which they are receiving compensation. The VA uses a disability rating scale from 0% to 100%, with increments of 10%. Here is a general overview of the compensation amounts based on disability ratings:
- 10% Disability Rating: Veterans with a 10% disability rating due to a condition related to Agent Orange exposure are eligible for a monthly compensation payment. As of 2022, the monthly payment for a veteran with a 10% disability rating is $144.14.
- 30% or Higher Disability Rating: Veterans with a 30% or higher disability rating due to a condition related to Agent Orange exposure receive a higher monthly compensation payment. The exact amount varies depending on the specific rating and the number of dependents a veteran has.
- 100% Disability Rating: Veterans who have a 100% disability rating due to an Agent Orange-related condition are eligible for Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) benefits. This means that they receive compensation at the 100% disability rate, which is a higher monthly payment, even if they are not considered totally disabled.
It’s important to note that these compensation rates are subject to change over time, and veterans should check with the VA or the VA website for the most up-to-date information.
Applying for Agent Orange Compensation
To apply for Agent Orange compensation, veterans need to follow a few key steps:
- Gather supporting documentation: Veterans should collect any relevant medical records, service records, and statements from fellow service members that can help establish their exposure to Agent Orange and their qualifying condition.
- Submit a claim: Veterans can apply for compensation by submitting a claim to the VA. This can be done online through the VA’s eBenefits portal, in person at a VA regional office, or by mail.
- Undergo a medical examination: In some cases, the VA may require veterans to undergo a medical examination to assess the severity of their condition. This examination is conducted by a VA healthcare provider.
- Wait for a decision: After submitting a claim, veterans will need to wait for the VA to review their case and make a decision. This process can take some time, and the length of time may vary depending on the complexity of the case.
- Receive compensation: If the VA approves the claim, veterans will begin receiving compensation based on their disability rating and the specific condition. Payments are typically made on a monthly basis.
Continuing Eligibility and Recertification
It’s important for veterans to understand that the VA may periodically review their disability rating to ensure it accurately reflects their current health status. In some cases, veterans may see improvements in their condition, which could lead to a lower disability rating. Conversely, if their condition worsens, they may be eligible for a higher disability rating and increased compensation.
To maintain their eligibility for compensation, veterans should stay in contact with their healthcare providers and keep the VA informed of any changes in their health status. The VA may also conduct periodic reexaminations to assess a veteran’s condition and make any necessary adjustments to their compensation.
Additional Benefits for Agent Orange Exposure
In addition to compensation, veterans exposed to Agent Orange may also be eligible for other benefits and services from the VA. These benefits may include healthcare, vocational rehabilitation, education assistance, and home loan guarantees, among others. Eligibility for these benefits may depend on the severity of the veteran’s condition and their overall disability rating.
Getting Compensated for Agent Orange Exposure in Vietnam
The use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War had a profound and lasting impact on the health of many veterans. To address the health issues caused by Agent Orange exposure, the VA provides compensation and benefits to eligible veterans.
The amount of compensation a veteran receives is determined by their disability rating and the specific condition for which they are receiving compensation. While the process of applying for Agent Orange compensation may be complex, it is essential for veterans to explore their options and seek the support they need to secure the benefits they deserve.
Veterans who believe they are eligible for Agent Orange compensation may find it helpful to get an attorney involved in their case. Whether applying for the first time or appealing a denied claim, veterans with an attorney involved have consistently found a greater success rate than those doing it on their own. Get help with your claim today.