Can I Get VA Disability for Asbestos Exposure?

Veterans understand that the barracks and living quarters are not always up to par on military installations in the United States and overseas. Toxic exposure for veterans is headlined by overseas burn pits – but many veterans have been exposed to black mold, asbestos and much more here at home in their own barracks. Asbestos is a dangerous, natural mineral that in the past was used in construction and is known to cause cancer. Veterans who have been exposed to asbestos at home or overseas and now face cancer-related medical conditions want to know – can I get VA disability for asbestos exposure? VA Benefits Attorneys is here to help answer your questions!
How To Prove a VA Disability Claim is Related to Asbestos
Asbestos was used for years in construction for insulation, building materials, rooftop shingles, floor tiles, automotive brakes, heat-resistant fabrics and much more. Asbestos fibers can be inhaled and ingested when you are exposed and can cause cancer, COPD and more. The use of asbestos is highly regulated in modern construction practices – but many veterans may have been exposed in aging barracks on military bases and when overseas.
Veterans who have been diagnosed with a health condition that is related to asbestos exposure may be eligible for disability benefits via the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). To be eligible for VA disability compensation due to asbestos exposure, veterans must meet BOTH of the criteria listed below:
- You have a health condition that is caused by exposure to asbestos AND
- You had contact with asbestos while you served in the military.
When you apply for disability benefits for asbestos exposure, you will need your medical records that state your medical condition, your service records to determine when and where you served and if you may have been exposed to asbestos and a doctor’s statement that states there is a correlation between your medical condition and asbestos. The Department of Veterans Affairs recommends you get tested for asbestos-related conditions if you have worked in mining, milling, shipyards, construction, demolition or carpentry and if you have worked with products that include flooring, roofing, cement sheet, pipes, insulation and automotive brake linings.
Which Asbestos-Related Diseases Are Eligible for VA Disability?
The list of service-connected illnesses and medical conditions related to toxic exposure continues to grow and the PACT Act provides support to many veterans who have been exposed to toxic elements like asbestos. The Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes a variety of cancers and medical conditions as asbestos related and if you are a veteran who has been diagnosed with one of the conditions listed below, you may be eligible for VA disability compensation. All of the service-related medical conditions listed below must include a statement from your physician that the condition is directly related to asbestos – except Mesothelioma and Asbestosis.
- Mesothelioma
- Lung Cancer(s)
- Bronchus Cancer(s)
- Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer(s)
- Larynx Cancer(s)
- Pharynx Cancer(s)
- Urogenital System Cancer(s)
- Pleura/Peritoneum Cancer(s)
- Asbestosis
- Fibrosis
- Tumors
- Pleural Effusions and Fibrosis
- Pleural Plaques

READ MORE: Why Are VA Cancer Disability Claims Denied?
Did you serve in the U.S. Military? Were you exposed to asbestos during your military service? You may have asked – can I get VA disability for asbestos exposure? We can help answer your questions and help you file your disability claim at VA Benefits Attorneys. Contact VA Benefits Attorneys today for a FREE case review and to learn more about how to file a VA claim for cancer!