Drill Sergeant Standing in Front of American Flag Saluting

What Is the VA 70/40 Rule for TDIU Benefits?

Your veterans disability benefits are predicated on your disability rating and Total Disability Based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) is a designation that reflects a disability that prevents you from working and provides the same monetary benefits as a 100% disability rating — even if a veteran’s combined rating does not equal 100%. The U.S. Department…

Man in Bed Snoring with Sleep Apnea

What Are the VA Disability Ratings for Sleep Apnea and Insomnia?

More and more veterans have found that they cannot sleep at night and an estimated 27% – 54% of veterans are diagnosed with a sleep disorder — caused by health, PTSD, and other medical conditions. The inability to sleep has a profound impact on the health and well-being of veterans in a variety of ways,…

chronic fatigue syndrome

Navigating the VA Disability Rating for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex and often misunderstood condition that can significantly impact veterans’ lives. For veterans experiencing CFS due to their service, navigating the VA disability claims process is an important step toward obtaining the benefits they need. In this guide, we’ll cover what CFS is, how to file a claim for…


How VA Disability Ratings Impact Life Insurance and Survivor Benefits

When veterans receive a VA disability rating, it not only impacts their healthcare and compensation but also plays a significant role in their life insurance options and the survivor benefits available to their loved ones. Understanding how these ratings affect eligibility and coverage can help veterans and their families plan for the future. VA Life…


VA Disability Ratings for Environmental and Toxic Exposure Claims

Veterans who have been exposed to environmental hazards during their service often face significant health issues. From toxic chemicals and burn pits to hazardous materials, these exposures can lead to long-term conditions that severely impact a veteran’s quality of life. Navigating the VA disability ratings system for claims related to environmental and toxic exposure can…

veteran on computer

The Impact of Your VA Disability Rating on Employment Opportunities

Transitioning from military service to civilian employment can be a challenging journey, particularly for veterans who have a VA disability rating. This rating, assigned by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), indicates the severity of a veteran’s service-connected disability and can impact various aspects of life, including job prospects. In this blog, we will explore…

doctor evaluation

What to Do if the VA Requests a Re-Evaluation of Your Disability Rating

Receiving disability benefits from the VA is a crucial resource for veterans dealing with service-connected disabilities. However, the process doesn’t end once you are awarded benefits. The VA may occasionally request a re-evaluation of your disability rating, which can lead to anxiety and uncertainty. In this blog, we’ll explore why re-evaluations happen, what you should…

veteran exercising

What are Temporary VA Disability Ratings?

The VA disability rating system is designed to compensate veterans for disabilities sustained during service. However, some disabilities may improve over time, leading the VA to assign temporary ratings. These ratings can be confusing, so understanding the process and how to navigate it is essential for veterans. What Are Temporary VA Disability Ratings? Temporary VA…


What is the Highest VA Rating You Can Receive for Anxiety?

Understanding VA Ratings for Anxiety When applying for VA disability benefits for anxiety, the rating you receive directly impacts the amount of compensation you are entitled to. The VA rates anxiety disorders based on the severity of symptoms and their impact on daily functioning. This rating is crucial in determining the level of support and…

Doctor's Form with Tinnitus Label

Will Veterans Be Able to Claim Disability for Tinnitus in 2025?

Veteran disability benefits are always changing and evolving and veterans can expect to see changes in the future. Tinnitus is a topic of discussion for many veterans with proposed changes expected for veterans who claim tinnitus as a disability. Tinnitus is the most common claimed disability by veterans with an estimated 2.9 million veterans with…