Is There a Deadline for PACT Act Disability Claims?

Are you a military veteran who struggles with cancer, lung disease or other medical conditions related to toxic exposure? You may be familiar with the PACT Act – the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act – and the benefits it provides for veterans who were exposed to toxic conditions. The deadline for retroactive toxic exposure benefits is fast approaching and has led to some confusion and many veterans continue to ask – is there a deadline for PACT Act disability claims? We can help answer your questions right here at VA Benefits Attorneys.
When Is the Deadline for VA Toxic Exposure Retroactive Benefits?
The short answer to your question is – NO – there is not a deadline to file a PACT Act disability claim. The PACT Act has been signed into law and will continue to protect veterans and provide disability benefits to those veterans who struggle with presumptive conditions related to toxic burn pit exposure. The deadline is for retroactive benefits.

Veterans and survivors who hope to receive 12 months of retroactive PACT Act-related benefits must file a disability claim or submit an Intent to File by August 9, 2023. Veterans who have their claim approved will have their related disability benefits backdated to August 10, 2022.
To encourage veterans to file a PACT Act claim and receive retroactive benefits the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will host Summer VetFest Events in 50 locations in July 2023. VetFest events are open to veterans, family members, caregivers and survivors across the country and will feature food, music and VA staff members who are there to help veterans apply for benefits or get screened for toxic exposure. Check local event listings to find a Summer VetFest event near you.
PACT Act Presumptive Conditions List
The PACT Act was put into place to provide disability benefits for veterans diagnosed with cancer and respiratory illnesses that can be linked to toxic burn pit exposure in the Gulf War, the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan. The law includes benefits for Vietnam War veterans who have specific medical conditions related to Agent Orange. Presumptive conditions are dangerous medical conditions and illnesses that are automatically presumed to have been caused by conditions experienced while in the military service in select regions.
Here is a list of the presumptive conditions covered by the PACT Act.
- Brain Cancer
- Gastrointestinal Cancer – Any Type
- Glioblastoma – Any Type
- Head Cancer – Any Type
- Kidney Cancer
- Lymphoma – Any Type
- Melanoma
- Neck Cancer – Any Type
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Reproductive Cancer – Any Type
- Respiratory Cancer – Any Type
- Asthma – Diagnosed After Service
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD
- Chronic Rhinitis
- Chronic Sinusitis
- Constrictive Bronchiolitis
- Emphysema
- Granulomatous Disease
- Interstitial Lung Disease
- Pleuritis
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Sarcoidosis
- High Blood Pressure – Hypertension – Vietnam Veterans
- Monoclonal Gammopathy – Vietnam Veterans
READ MORE: Can You Get a VA Disability Rating for Cancer?
Veterans who continue to struggle with cancer or lung disease may have heard about a deadline to file PACT Act disability claims and many are asking – is there a deadline for PACT Act disability claims? We are here to help clarify the deadline for retroactive benefits and to help you file your disability claim with the Department of Veterans Affairs at VA Benefits Attorneys. Contact the VA Benefits Attorneys Team today for more information on how to file your disability claim or appeal a denied disability claim!