What Percentage of VA Disability Prevents You From Working?

What Percentage of VA Disability Prevents You From Working?

The relationship between a VA disability rating and one’s ability to work is not a straightforward percentage conversion. While a higher rating indicates a more severe disability, it doesn’t automatically mean someone can’t work.  Many veterans successfully navigate employment with service-connected disabilities. However, the VA disability system does acknowledge situations where disabilities significantly hinder employment…

How Much Do Vietnam Vets Get for Benefits?

How Much Do Vietnam Vets Get for Benefits?

The question of how much Vietnam veterans receive in benefits is a common one, but the answer isn’t a simple dollar figure. Vietnam veterans are eligible for a wide range of benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) depending on several factors, including: Here’s a breakdown of some key benefits: Factors Affecting Benefit Amounts…

How Long Do You Have to Be Married to a Veteran to Get Benefits?

How Long Do You Have to Be Married to a Veteran to Get Benefits?

The length of marriage to a veteran does not universally determine eligibility for VA benefits for spouses.  Several factors come into play, depending on the specific benefit you’re interested in.  This article explores the marriage duration requirements for various VA benefits available to spouses of veterans. Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) This benefit provides tax-free…

What Benefits Do Female Veterans Get from the VA?

What Benefits Do Female Veterans Get from the VA?

Female veterans are a growing segment of the U.S. military, comprising over 2 million strong.  These women have served their country with dedication and bravery, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognizes their unique needs by offering a comprehensive range of benefits.  This article explores the various ways the VA supports female veterans, ensuring…

Does the VA Consider GERD to be a Disability?

Does the VA Consider GERD to be a Disability?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a common medical condition that affects the digestive system, particularly the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Many individuals suffer from GERD, experiencing symptoms such as heartburn, regurgitation, and chest pain. For some, these symptoms can be severe and significantly impact their daily lives. In the context of disability claims with the…

Can I Get VA Disability for Pes Planus?

Can I Get VA Disability for Pes Planus?

Pes Planus, commonly known as flat feet, is a condition in which the arches of the feet are significantly flattened, causing discomfort and potential mobility issues. While flat feet, also referred to as fallen arches, can vary in severity, many individuals with this condition wonder if they are eligible for VA (Department of Veterans Affairs)…

How Do VA Disability Attorneys Get Paid?

How Do VA Disability Attorneys Get Paid?

Navigating the complex world of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claims can be a challenging and time-consuming process. For many veterans, seeking legal representation from VA disability attorneys becomes a crucial step in pursuing the compensation and benefits they rightfully deserve. One common question that arises in this context is how VA disability attorneys get paid….

What Is the VA Disability Cost-of-Living Increase for 2024?

What Is the VA Disability Cost-of-Living Increase for 2024?

Inflation, the average income in your area, higher prices and more are all economic factors that can lead to an increase in the cost of living for most people. People who rely on social security, social security disability, government financial assistance or disability – like veterans with a service-connected disability – can struggle when the…

How Can I Increase My VA Disability Rating From 50% to 100%?

How Can I Increase My VA Disability Rating From 50% to 100%?

When you are approved for disability compensation via the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) you will be given a disability rating. Your disability rating puts a numerical value on how much your service-related injury, illness or medical condition decreases your general health and ability to work and function. Your monthly disability compensation is commensurate…