What are the Presumptive Conditions for Iraq War Veterans?
The Iraq War, spanning from 2003 to 2011, exposed veterans to a unique set of environmental and combat hazards. These can lead to a variety of health issues that may not manifest immediately after service.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognizes certain conditions as presumptively service-connected for veterans who served in Iraq. This means the VA assumes the illness is related to military service, even if a direct link cannot be established. Understanding these presumptive conditions is crucial for Iraq War veterans seeking healthcare and disability benefits from the VA.
See the presumptive conditions list for Afghanistan veterans

Exposure Risks in Iraq
Iraq War veterans faced numerous environmental hazards during their deployment. These included:
- Depleted Uranium (DU): Used in military equipment, DU can cause respiratory problems, increased cancer risk, and birth defects.
- Burn Pits: Open-air pits used to burn waste materials like chemicals, paints, and munitions created toxic smoke inhalation risks.
- Sand and Dust Storms: Frequent exposure to dust can lead to respiratory issues and long-term lung problems.
- Combat Stress: The psychological toll of war can contribute to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental health conditions.
Presumptive Illness Categories
The VA categorizes presumptive conditions for Iraq War veterans into two groups:
- Chronic Multisymptom Illness (CMI): This encompasses a range of unexplained illnesses with symptoms that last at least six months and can include fatigue, headaches, muscle and joint pain, respiratory problems, skin conditions, and digestive issues.
- Specific Infectious Diseases: The VA recognizes nine infectious diseases as presumptively linked to service in Southwest Asia, including Iraq. These diseases are:
- Malaria
- Brucellosis
- Campylobacter Jejuni
- Coxiella Burnetii (Q Fever)
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB)
- Nontyphoid Salmonella
- Shigella
- Visceral Leishmaniasis
- West Nile Virus
Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for presumptive service connection for a CMI, veterans must have served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations (including Iraq) and meet the following criteria:
- The illness manifested within 10 years of leaving active duty service.
- The illness is at least 10% disabling.
For specific infectious diseases, the diagnosis needs to be confirmed by a healthcare provider within one year of separation from service.
The Importance of Early Diagnosis
Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for managing presumptive conditions. Veterans experiencing symptoms should seek medical attention from a VA healthcare provider. The VA can conduct a comprehensive evaluation and connect veterans with appropriate treatment options. Additionally, a service connection can lead to disability benefits to help veterans manage the financial impact of their illness.
Beyond Presumptive Conditions
While these are the established presumptive conditions, veterans with other health concerns related to their service should not be discouraged. The VA can still consider a service connection for illnesses not on the presumptive list, but veterans will need to provide evidence linking their condition to their military service.
Getting an Attorney Involved for VA Benefits
A VA benefits attorney can be a valuable asset when navigating the VA claims process for veterans seeking disability benefits. Their expertise can increase your chances of a successful claim or a higher disability rating. Attorneys understand the complexities of VA law and can gather strong medical evidence to support your case. They can also ensure you meet all deadlines and navigate appeals if your initial claim is denied.
Ultimately, an attorney can save you time and frustration, ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve for your service.