Does a 3M Lawsuit Affect VA Disability Benefits?

You may have heard about the 3M Combat Arms Earplugs Lawsuit and you may be eligible. The class-action lawsuit impacts veterans who suffer from hearing loss, tinnitus and loss of balance due to faulty combat earplugs used by the U.S. Military from 2003 to 2016. More than 230,000 individual lawsuits have been filed against 3M in this case and veterans have questions. Veterans who receive disability from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs want to know – does a 3M lawsuit affect VA disability benefits? We can help answer your questions at VABenefits Attorneys.
Are Veterans Who File a 3M Lawsuit Eligible for Disability Benefits?
Wounded veterans who qualify for disability benefits receive monthly compensation based on their VA disability rating – which may be an important part of their income. Veterans who collect disability benefits and are eligible to file a 3M Combat Arms Earplugs Lawsuit want to know if their benefits will be affected. No – filing a 3M lawsuit will not impact your disability benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Veterans who have suffered hearing loss, tinnitus or loss of balance due to faulty combat earplugs will not be prevented from collecting money from a 3M lawsuit. When a lawsuit is filed against the U.S. Government, veterans disability benefits may be affected to prevent veterans from double dipping. The class-action lawsuit against 3M is against a private company and any settlement would be paid by the company, not the government. This means that any payment from the 3M Combat Arms Earplug Lawsuit would not be double dipping.
How Long Will the 3M Lawsuit Settlement Take?
There have been almost 250,000 lawsuits filed against 3M and its subsidiary company – Aearo Technologies, LLC. Veterans who have filed lawsuits want to know when the lawsuit will be settled and how long the settlement will take. The discovery process of the lawsuit will take time and each individual trial can take weeks or months to reach a settlement. Legal experts expect that a global settlement may be reached in 1 – 2 years or by the year 2024.
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Veterans who have filed a lawsuit against 3M for hearing loss or tinnitus want to know – does a 3M lawsuit affect VA disability benefits? We can help answer your questions at VABenefits Attorneys and can help you file your own lawsuit if you are eligible. Contact VABenefits Attorneys today for a FREE legal consult!