Can You Get a VA Disability Rating for TBI?

Did you know that more than 180,000 veterans receive care from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for a traumatic brain injury (TBI)? A traumatic brain injury is the result of a blow or shock to the head or a penetrating injury that causes a disruption of brain function and it is more and more common in veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Traumatic brain injuries can have a lasting impact on the physical and mental health of veterans and many Post-9/11 veterans want to know if a TBI is covered by disability. Veterans are asking – can you get a VA disability rating for TBI? We can help answer your questions at VA Benefits Attorneys!
Can You Claim VA Disability for a TBI?
Veterans who have a service-connected TBI may receive disability ratings at 0%, 10%, 40%, 70% and 100% from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The ratings coincide with a level of impairment – 0, 1, 2, 3 and Total. The disability rating and level of impairment will vary based on the symptoms and the severity of symptoms. There are cases when veterans with a service-related TBI may be eligible for higher ratings when symptoms are so severe that the afflicted veteran cannot work – which means the Department of Veterans Affairs may consider an unemployability rating.

How To File a TBI Disability Claim
When a veteran makes a TBI-related disability claim and submits a comprehensive Traumatic Brain Injury Examination, there are key criteria and symptoms that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs review. Veterans who hope to claim a service-connected TBI need to understand the criteria that the VA reviews to better understand the medical evidence and documentation needed with the claim.
The Department of Veterans Affairs reviews symptoms as lingering effects on current mental, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and physical function. Via a full-body medical review, veterans will be assigned a disability rating. Here is what you will need to prove to file a TBI claim with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
- You have a current traumatic brain injury diagnosis.
- Your TBI is connected to a traumatic event while you served in the military.
- You have medical documentation that links your injury to the trauma.
What Are the Symptoms of a TBI?
Traumatic brain injuries are complex and can manifest with many different symptoms that fall into physical, cognitive, behavioral and emotional categories. Here is a short list of some symptoms that veterans may experience with a TBI.
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Loss of Balance
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Blurred Vision/Sensitivity to Light
- Hearing Loss
- Tinnitus
- Inability to Sleep
- Memory Loss
- Loss of Concentration
- Lack of Judgement
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Mood Swings
- Aggression
- More…
Who Should Be Screened for a TBI?
Veterans who served in Afghanistan and Iraq may not know if they have suffered a traumatic brain injury and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 22% of combat casualties in these conflicts are brain injuries. Veterans who have any of the symptoms listed above and fit any of the criteria listed below should be screened for a TBI.
- Violent Blow to the Head
- Proximity to a Blast or Explosion
- Vehicle Accident or Crash
- Hard Fall
- Fragment or Bullet Wound Above the Shoulders
READ MORE: Can I Qualify for VA Disability Benefits with PTSD?
Were you injured in an explosion in combat? Do you feel dizzy or nauseous? You may have suffered a service-connected TBI and you may want to know – can you get a VA disability rating for a TBI? Contact VA Benefits Attorneys today for a FREE case review!