veteran and doctor

How to File a VA Disability Claim for Burn Pit Exposure

Burn pit exposure has affected many veterans, especially those who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locations where waste was incinerated in open-air pits. These burn pits exposed service members to toxic chemicals, which can lead to serious health conditions over time. If you or a loved one has experienced health issues due to burn…

afghanistan veteran

What are Presumptive Conditions for VA Afghanistan?

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognizes the unique challenges faced by veterans who served in Afghanistan. These challenges include exposure to burn pits, combat stress, and infectious diseases. To acknowledge these hardships and streamline the disability benefits process, the VA has established a list of presumptive conditions for veterans who served in Afghanistan. Presumptive…

toxic military cloud

What are the 3 New VA Presumptive Conditions?

Veterans exposed to hazardous materials and environmental toxins during their service have long faced challenges in obtaining disability benefits for related health conditions. The burden of proof often lay heavily on them, requiring extensive documentation and linking specific illnesses to their military service. However, a positive shift occurred with enacting the Honoring Our PACT Act…

Soldier with Family and American Flag in a Field

Why Are VA Cancer Disability Claims Denied?

The PACT Act – was a big step forward in veteran support and provides health benefits for military veterans diagnosed with presumptive medical conditions (like cancer) due to toxic burn pit exposure. This legislation provides disability benefits for veterans who have been diagnosed with select cancers and medical conditions that are presumed to be due…

copd va benefits

Can You Get VA Benefits for COPD? 

Were You Denied VA Benefits for COPD? Roughly 30% of disability claims presented to the Veterans Affairs (VA) encounter denial each year, a disheartening reality. More distressing, almost 60% of these denials transpire due to erroneous judgment. These figures cast a daunting shadow over veterans who have languished for months, awaiting the funds essential for…

Gulf War Veteran Saluting in Front of American Flag

Are Veterans with Gulf War Syndrome Eligible for VA Disability?

Are you a veteran of Operation Desert Shield? Did you serve in Operation Desert Storm? More than 700,000 veterans have served in the Gulf War and like many veterans before and after, many have come home with injuries, illnesses and medical conditions – both visible and invisible. Gulf War Syndrome is a medically unexplained illness…