Will Veterans Be Able to Claim Disability for Tinnitus in 2025?

Doctor's Form with Tinnitus Label

Veteran disability benefits are always changing and evolving and veterans can expect to see changes in the future. Tinnitus is a topic of discussion for many veterans with proposed changes expected for veterans who claim tinnitus as a disability. Tinnitus is the most common claimed disability by veterans with an estimated 2.9 million veterans with a disability rating for tinnitus — that is almost 10% of all veterans. With changes to tinnitus disability ratings proposed, many veterans want to know — will veterans be able to claim disability for tinnitus in 2025? VA Benefits Attorneys is here to help answer your questions.

How Will VA Disability Ratings for Tinnitus Change in 2025? 

Man Holding Hand to Ear with Red Pain Graphic

Veterans with tinnitus receive a 10% standalone disability rating with the current system in place and there is no option for a higher disability rating. The proposed updates to the tinnitus disability rating will look at tinnitus as a symptom of a larger issue — like hearing loss — rather than its own disability.

This change would remove the individual rating for tinnitus and rate it in tandem with a primary disability. If the primary medical condition does not qualify for a disability rating, veterans with tinnitus can still receive a 10% rating — but if the primary medical condition results in a disability rating, veterans would not be eligible to receive an additional rating for tinnitus. With the updated policy, tinnitus may be viewed as a symptom of multiple disabilities that include — sleep apnea, Meniere’s Disease, high blood pressure, perforated eardrums, and more.

For example — if a veteran has hearing loss that does not qualify for disability, but tinnitus is a symptom, they may still be able to receive a 10% rating for the tinnitus. If the severity of the hearing loss warrants a disability rating of 10% or higher, veterans can no longer claim tinnitus as a disability.

What Happens to Veterans Who Already Have a Tinnitus Disability Rating?

Veterans who already receive disability benefits for tinnitus want to know how the updated policy will impact their benefits moving forward. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has indicated that veterans who already have a disability rating for tinnitus will continue to receive those benefits if the proposed policy changes go through and will retain a 10% disability rating for tinnitus.

READ MORE: What Is the Most Common VA Rating for Veterans?

Are you a veteran who struggles with hearing loss or tinnitus? Do you currently receive benefits for tinnitus? With proposed policy changes that impact disability ratings for tinnitus, many veterans are asking — will veterans be able to claim tinnitus for disability in 2025? We hope that this quick breakdown created by VA Benefits Attorneys has helped answer some of your questions. 

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