va benefits attorney

What is the Increased Chance of Success by having a VA Benefits Attorney?

Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be challenging, and veterans often face unique obstacles, including service-related disabilities. Fortunately, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a range of benefits to help veterans overcome these challenges and live fulfilling lives.  However, navigating the VA claims process can be complex, and veterans may face denials…

va largest backpay

What is the Largest VA Backpay Amount?

While veterans deserve all the support they can get, determining the largest VA backpay amount awarded is surprisingly difficult. There’s no central repository for such data, and the nature of VA claims keeps specifics confidential. However, we can explore the factors influencing backpay and some newsworthy cases to understand the potential scope. Why are the…

older veteran

VA Benefits Approval By Age

While age can be a factor in the utilization of certain VA benefits, it doesn’t directly impact approval decisions. VA disability compensation and education benefits are determined by service connection and eligibility criteria, not the applicant’s age. Here’s a breakdown of how VA benefit approvals work: Focus on Service Connection The core principle for VA…

va claims 2025

Will VA Disability Payments Increase in 2025?

For veterans receiving VA disability compensation, the question of annual increases is a significant one. The good news is that VA disability payments are projected to rise in 2025. This article dives into the details surrounding these anticipated increases, explores the factors influencing them, and offers valuable resources for veterans seeking to understand and maximize…

discharge upgrades va benefits attorney

What is the Success Rate for Veteran Discharge Upgrades?

For many veterans, the character of service designation on their DD-214 (discharge certificate) can have a profound impact on their lives. An unfavorable discharge, such as “Other Than Honorable” (OTH) or “Dishonorable,” can significantly limit access to vital VA benefits like healthcare, disability compensation, and education assistance.  Fortunately, a process exists for veterans to petition…

veteran coming home

What Benefits Do Veterans Get with a General Discharge?

Military service is a commendable act of dedication and sacrifice. When that service comes to an end veterans deserve support as they reintegrate into civilian life.  The type of discharge a veteran receives determines their eligibility for various Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. While a general discharge doesn’t offer the full spectrum of benefits…

waiting presumptive claim

How Long Does a Presumptive VA Claim Take?

For veterans navigating the path to disability compensation, the question of “how long?” looms large. Presumptive VA claims, while offering a simplified route compared to traditional claims, still involve a processing timeline that can cause frustration. This article delves into the factors impacting presumptive VA claim processing times and offers strategies for veterans to optimize…

c&p presumptive

Do You Need a C&P Exam for VA Presumptive Conditions?

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers disability compensation to veterans with service-connected conditions. Traditionally, veterans needed to prove their condition stemmed from their military service. However, for certain conditions, the VA acknowledges a presumed link to service. These are known as presumptive conditions. While presumptive conditions ease the burden of proving service connection, navigating…

va claims calendar

Can a VA Claim Be Backdated?

For veterans seeking well-deserved compensation for service-connected disabilities, the question of backdated benefits, often referred to as retroactive awards, is a crucial one. The VA disability compensation process can be lengthy, and veterans may face significant financial hardship while waiting for a decision. Understanding how effective dates are determined for VA claims is essential in…

p&t va disability

How to Get Permanent and Total VA Disability

For veterans facing severe service-connected disabilities, Permanent and Total (P&T) disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be life-changing.   A P&T rating signifies a 100% disability with a high likelihood of remaining unchanged, offering crucial financial security and healthcare access.  However, navigating the VA claims process can be complex, and seeking legal…