Doctor's Form with Tinnitus Label

Will Veterans Be Able to Claim Disability for Tinnitus in 2025?

Veteran disability benefits are always changing and evolving and veterans can expect to see changes in the future. Tinnitus is a topic of discussion for many veterans with proposed changes expected for veterans who claim tinnitus as a disability. Tinnitus is the most common claimed disability by veterans with an estimated 2.9 million veterans with…


How Project 2025 Could Change VA Disability Ratings

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been undergoing significant transformations over the past decade, and Project 2025 is poised to be a critical milestone in reshaping how veterans receive benefits. One of the most impactful areas Project 2025 is expected to address is the VA disability rating system. This system, which determines the…


How 100% Disability Rating Affects Dependent Education Benefits

Veterans who have earned a 100% disability rating have made significant sacrifices for their country, and this rating provides them with access to a range of benefits. One of the most impactful benefits is the educational support available to their dependents. If you’re a veteran or a family member of a veteran with a 100%…


What is the Most Common VA Rating for Veterans?

Navigating the VA disability rating system can be complex, especially when trying to understand the most common ratings veterans receive. This guide provides insight into the typical VA disability ratings and how they impact veterans. Understanding VA Disability Ratings The VA disability rating system is designed to quantify the severity of a veteran’s service-connected disability….

disabled veteran and kids

What is a Special Disabled Veteran?

Understanding the benefits and classifications available to veterans is crucial for ensuring they receive the support and care they deserve. One important classification is that of a “Special Disabled Veteran.” This term, recognized by various federal programs, has specific implications for the benefits and opportunities available to those who qualify. In this blog, we’ll explore…

disabled veteran

Can a 100% Disabled Veteran Work?

Veterans with a 100% disability rating from the VA often wonder about their employment options. This rating is designed to reflect the severity of a veteran’s service-connected disabilities, but it doesn’t always mean they can’t work. In this blog, we’ll explore the nuances of working with a 100% disability rating, including the types of ratings,…

bipolar disorder

How to Maximize Your VA Disability Rating for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can significantly impact your daily life, affecting your ability to work and manage personal responsibilities. For veterans who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, obtaining the appropriate VA disability rating is crucial to receiving the benefits and support you need. This blog provides guidance on how to maximize your VA disability rating for…

iu veterans how to

Understanding Benefits and IU Disability

For veterans whose service-connected disabilities significantly hinder their ability to work, VA Unemployability (IU), also known as Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU), offers a critical lifeline.   First What is IU?  VA Unemployability (IU) is a program for veterans with service-connected disabilities that limits their ability to work full-time. Even if their combined disability…

p&t va disability

How to Get Permanent and Total VA Disability

For veterans facing severe service-connected disabilities, Permanent and Total (P&T) disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be life-changing.   A P&T rating signifies a 100% disability with a high likelihood of remaining unchanged, offering crucial financial security and healthcare access.  However, navigating the VA claims process can be complex, and seeking legal…