ill man

VA Benefits for Gulf War Syndrome and Other Undiagnosed Illnesses

Veterans who served during the Gulf War era may be eligible for VA compensation for Gulf War Syndrome and other undiagnosed illnesses related to their service. These conditions are often challenging to diagnose but can significantly impact veterans’ health and quality of life. This blog will explore what Gulf War Syndrome is, how the VA…

afghanistan veteran

What are Presumptive Conditions for VA Afghanistan?

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognizes the unique challenges faced by veterans who served in Afghanistan. These challenges include exposure to burn pits, combat stress, and infectious diseases. To acknowledge these hardships and streamline the disability benefits process, the VA has established a list of presumptive conditions for veterans who served in Afghanistan. Presumptive…

va cancer diagnosis

Can I Increase my VA Disability Rating If My Cancer is In Remission?

Serving in the military can be a demanding and often dangerous experience, and for many veterans, the toll on their physical and emotional well-being can be significant. Along with the scars of war, many veterans also endure debilitating health conditions that prevent them from working and enjoying life to the fullest. One such condition is…

Gulf War Veteran Saluting in Front of American Flag

Are Veterans with Gulf War Syndrome Eligible for VA Disability?

Are you a veteran of Operation Desert Shield? Did you serve in Operation Desert Storm? More than 700,000 veterans have served in the Gulf War and like many veterans before and after, many have come home with injuries, illnesses and medical conditions – both visible and invisible. Gulf War Syndrome is a medically unexplained illness…