Silhouette of Soldier with American Flag at Sunset

What Are the Most Common VA Disability Claims?

Veterans are faced with a wide range of service-connected injuries, illnesses, and medical conditions that may be eligible for disability claims via the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Veterans who continue to combat physical and mental conditions after they have returned home may not know which injuries, illnesses, or medical conditions are eligible for…

thoracolumbar spine and va disability

Thoracolumbar Spine Conditions and VA Rating

Many veterans grapple with thoracolumbar spine conditions, often stemming from the physical demands of service. Thankfully, the VA recognizes these conditions and offers disability compensation through a rating system. Here’s what you need to know: Eligibility: Rating System: Common Ratings: Remember: Thoracolumbar Spine VA Ratings System Explained Navigating the VA’s rating system for thoracolumbar spine…